Installing MySQL on Windows



To run MySQL on Windows, you need the following:

  • A Windows operating system such as Windows 2000, Windows XP,
    Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008. Both
    32-bit and 64-bit versions are supported.

    In addition to running MySQL as a standard application, you can
    also run the MySQL server as a Windows service. By using a
    service you can monitor and control the operation of the server
    through the standard Windows service management tools.

    Generally, you should install MySQL on Windows using an account
    that has administrator rights. Otherwise, you may encounter
    problems with certain operations such as editing the
    PATH environment variable or accessing the
    Service Control Manager. Once installed,
    MySQL does not need to be executed using a user with
    Administrator privileges.

  • TCP/IP protocol support.

  • Enough space on the hard drive to unpack, install, and create
    the databases in accordance with your requirements (generally a
    minimum of 200 megabytes is recommended.)

In addition to the MySQL Server package, you may need or want
additional components to use MySQL with your application or
development environment. These include, but are not limited to:

  • If you plan to connect to the MySQL server via ODBC, you need a
    Connector/ODBC driver.

  • If you plan to use MySQL server with .NET applications, you need
    the Connector/NET driver.

MySQL distributions for Windows can be downloaded from See Section 2.1.3, “How to Get MySQL”.

MySQL for Windows is available in several distribution formats,
detailed below. Generally speaking, you should use a binary
distribution that includes an installer. It is simpler to use than
the others, and you need no additional tools to get MySQL up and
running. The installer for the Windows version of MySQL, combined
with a GUI Config Wizard, automatically installs MySQL, creates an
option file, starts the server, and secures the default user

  • Binary installer distribution. The installable distribution
    comes packaged as a Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) package
    that you can install manually or automatically on your systems.
    Two formats are available, an essentials package that contains
    all the files you need to install and configure MySQL, but no
    additional components, and a complete package that includes
    MySQL, configuration tools, benchmarks and other components. For
    more information on the specific differences, see
    Section 2.5.2, “Choosing An Installation Package”

    For instructions on installing MySQL using one of the MSI
    installation packages, see
    Section 2.5.3, “Installing MySQL with the MSI Package”.

  • Standard binary distribution format packaged as a Zip file
    containing all of the necessary files that you unpack into your
    chosen location. This package contains all of the files in the
    full Windows MSI Installer package, but does not including an
    installation program.

    For instructions on installing MySQL using the Zip file, see
    Section 2.5.5, “Installing MySQL from a noinstall Zip Archive”.

  • The source distribution contains all the code and support files
    for building the executables using the Visual Studio compiler

    For instructions on building MySQL from source on Windows, see
    Section 2.5.10, “Installing MySQL from Source on Windows”.

MySQL on Windows considerations:

  • Large Table Support

    If you need tables with a size larger than 4GB, install MySQL on
    an NTFS or newer file system. Do not forget to use
    MAX_ROWS and
    AVG_ROW_LENGTH when you create tables. See Section 12.1.17, “CREATE TABLE Syntax”.

  • MySQL and Virus Checking

    Using virus scanning software such as Norton/Symantec Anti-Virus
    on directories containing MySQL data and temporary tables can
    cause issues, both in terms of the performance of MySQL and the
    virus-scanning software mis-identifying the contents of the
    files as containing spam. This is because of the fingerprinting
    mechanism used by the virus scanning software, and the way in
    which MySQL rapidly updates different files, which may be
    identified as a potential security risk.

    After installing MySQL Server, it is recommended that you
    disable virus scanning on the main directory
    (datadir) being used to store your MySQL table data. There is usually a system built into the
    virus scanning software to allow certain directories to be
    specifically ignored during virus scanning.

    In addition, by default, MySQL creates temporary files in the
    standard Windows temporary directory. To prevent the temporary
    files also being scanned, you should configure a separate
    temporary directory for MySQL temporary files and add this to
    the virus scanning exclusion list. To do this, add a configuration option for the
    tmpdir parameter to your my.ini configuration file.

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