Installing MySQL



As we mentioned before, MySQL is not a requirement to use PHP, however they often go hand in hand.

virtualinfocom will help you how to install MySQL

Oracle provides a set of binary distributions of MySQL. In addition
to binaries provided in platform-specific package formats, we offer
binary distributions for a number of platforms in the form of
compressed tar files
(.tar.gz files). For Windows distributions, see
Section 2.5, “Installing MySQL on Windows”.

If you want to compile a debug version of MySQL from a source
distribution, you should add
--with-debug or
--with-debug=full to the
configure command used to configure the
distribution and remove any -fomit-frame-pointer

MySQL tar file binary distributions have names of
the form
where VERSION is a
number (for example, 5.1.49), and
OS indicates the type of operating system
for which the distribution is intended (for example,

In addition to these generic packages, we also offer binaries in
platform-specific package formats for selected platforms. See the
platform specific sections for more information, for more
information on how to install these.

You need the following tools to install a MySQL
tar file binary distribution:

  • GNU gunzip to uncompress the distribution.

  • A reasonable tar to unpack the distribution.
    GNU tar is known to work. Some operating
    systems come with a preinstalled version of
    tar that is known to have problems. For
    example, the tar provided with early versions
    of Mac OS X, SunOS 4.x, Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Solaris 10 and
    OpenSolaris, and HP-UX are known to have problems with long file

    • On Mac OS X, you can use the preinstalled
      gnutar program.

    • On Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris you can use the preinstalled

    • On other systems with a deficient tar,
      you should install GNU tar first.


If you have previously installed a MySQL installation using your
operating system native package management system, such as
yum or apt-get, you may
experience problems installing using a native binary. Make sure
your previous MySQL previous installation has been removed
entirely (using your package management system), and that any
additional files, such as old versions of your data files, have
also been removed. You should also check the existence of
configuration files such as /etc/my.cnf or
the /etc/mysql directory have been deleted.

The basic commands that you must execute to install and use a MySQL
binary distribution are:


The following process assumes that you have root (administrator)
access to your system. Alternatively you can prefix each command
using the sudo (Linux) or
pfexec (OpenSolaris) command.

shell> groupadd mysql
shell> useradd -g mysql mysql
shell> cd /usr/local
shell> gunzip < /path/to/mysql-VERSION-OS.tar.gz | tar xvf -

shell> ln -s full-path-to-mysql-VERSION-OS mysql
shell> cd mysql
shell> chown -R mysql .
shell> chgrp -R mysql .

shell> scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
shell> chown -R root .
shell> chown -R mysql data
shell> bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &

A more detailed version of the preceding description for installing
a binary distribution follows:


The following process assumes that you have root (administrator)
access to your system. Alternatively you can prefix each command
using the sudo (Linux) or
pfexec (OpenSolaris) command.

  1. If your system does not already have a user and group for
    mysqld to run as, you may need to create one.

    shell> groupadd mysql
    shell> useradd -g mysql mysql


    The above will create a user that has login permissions to
    your server. You may wish to disable the account, as the user
    is only required for ownership, not login, purposes.

    These commands add the mysql group and the
    mysql user. The syntax for
    useradd and groupadd may
    differ slightly on different versions of Unix, or they may have
    different names such as adduser and

    You might want to call the user and group something else instead
    of mysql. If so, substitute the appropriate
    name in the following steps.

  2. Pick the directory under which you want to unpack the
    distribution and change location into it. In the following
    example, we unpack the distribution under
    /usr/local. (The instructions, therefore,
    assume that you have permission to create files and directories
    in /usr/local. If that directory is
    protected, you must perform the installation as

    shell> cd /usr/local

  3. Obtain a distribution file using the instructions in
    Section 2.1.3, “How to Get MySQL”. For a given release, binary
    distributions for all platforms are built from the same MySQL
    source distribution.

  4. Unpack the distribution, which creates the installation
    directory. Then create a symbolic link to that directory:

    shell> gunzip < /path/to/mysql-VERSION-OS.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    shell> ln -s full-path-to-mysql-VERSION-OS mysql
    The tar command creates a directory named
    The ln command makes a symbolic link to that
    directory. This lets you refer more easily to the installation
    directory as /usr/local/mysql.

    With GNU tar, no separate invocation of
    gunzip is necessary. You can replace the
    first line with the following alternative command to uncompress
    and extract the distribution:

    shell> tar zxvf /path/to/mysql-VERSION-OS.tar.gz

  5. Change location into the installation directory:

    shell> cd mysql
    You will find several files and subdirectories in the
    mysql directory. The most important for
    installation purposes are the bin and
    scripts subdirectories:

    • The bin directory contains client
      programs and the server. You should add the full path name
      of this directory to your PATH
      environment variable so that your shell finds the MySQL
      programs properly. See
      Section 2.14, “Environment Variables”.

    • The scripts directory contains the
      mysql_install_db script used to
      initialize the mysql database containing
      the grant tables that store the server access permissions.

  6. Ensure that the distribution contents are accessible to
    mysql. If you unpacked the distribution as
    mysql, no further action is required. If you
    unpacked the distribution as root, its
    contents will be owned by root. Change its
    ownership to mysql by executing the following
    commands as root in the installation

    shell> chown -R mysql .
    shell> chgrp -R mysql .
    The first command changes the owner attribute of the files to
    the mysql user. The second changes the group
    attribute to the mysql group.

  7. If you have not installed MySQL before, you must create the
    MySQL data directory and initialize the grant tables:

    shell> scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
    If you run the command as root, include the
    --user option as shown.
    If you run the while logged in as that user, you can omit the
    --user option.

    The command should create the data directory and its contents
    with mysql as the owner.

    After creating or updating the grant tables, you need to restart
    the server manually.

  8. Most of the MySQL installation can be owned by
    root if you like. The exception is that the
    data directory must be owned by mysql. To
    accomplish this, run the following commands as
    root in the installation directory:

    shell> chown -R root .
    shell> chown -R mysql data

  9. If the plugin directory is writable by the server, it may be
    possible for a user to write executable code to a file in the
    directory using SELECT
    . This can be prevented by making
    plugin_dir read only to the
    server or by setting
    --secure-file-priv to a directory
    where SELECT writes can be made

  10. If you want MySQL to start automatically when you boot your
    machine, you can copy
    support-files/mysql.server to the location
    where your system has its startup files. More information can be
    found in the support-files/mysql.server
    script itself and in Section, “Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically”.

  11. You can set up new accounts using the
    bin/mysql_setpermission script if you install
    the DBI and DBD::mysql

    Perl modules. See Section 4.6.14, “mysql_setpermission — Interactively Set Permissions in Grant
    . For
    Perl module installation instructions, see Section 2.15, “Perl Installation Notes”.

  12. If you would like to use mysqlaccess and have
    the MySQL distribution in some nonstandard location, you must
    change the location where mysqlaccess expects
    to find the mysql client. Edit the
    bin/mysqlaccess script at approximately
    line 18. Search for a line that looks like this:

    $MYSQL     = '/usr/local/bin/mysql';    # path to mysql executable
    Change the path to reflect the location where
    mysql actually is stored on your system. If
    you do not do this, a Broken pipe error will
    occur when you run mysqlaccess.

After everything has been unpacked and installed, you should test
your distribution. To start the MySQL server, use the following

shell> bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
If you run the command as root, you must use the
--user option as shown. The
value of the option is the name of the login account that you
created in the first step to use for running the server. If you run
the command while logged in as mysql, you can
omit the --user option.

If the command fails immediately and prints mysqld
, you can find some information in the
host_name.err file
in the data directory.

User Comments

After setting the group to 'mysql', check that the group has write privileges to the directories.
Otherwise do a 'chmod g+w data'
Posted by Scott Park on November 29 2004 8:18am[Delete] [Edit]
In my experience with FreeBSD the groupadd and addgroup commands are not available. Instead you must use the ps utility to add users and groups. Below is the method I used:

pw groupadd mysql
pw useradd mysql
pw groupmod mysql -M mysql
pw groupshow mysql

More info can be found on the FreeBSD website:

To Install MYSQL SERVER on FreeBSD (using port collection) you will have to do the following

cd /usr/ports/databases/mysqlxx-server (xx is server verison)

make install clean (this installs and clean up after you)

cp /usr/local/share/mysql/abc.cnf /etc/my.cnf (abc is your choice of configuration file. options include my-huge, my-large, my-medium, my-small)

cp /usr/local/share/mysql/mysql.server /etc/rc.d/mysql.server

now you may install the db using :

mysql_intsall_db --user=mysql

verify that the mysql db in /var/db/mysql have the right user and group ownership (owner/group should be mysql)

If note just change the owner/group setting for the folder and sub-folders and files /var/db/mysql

You can now start the deamon
mysql_safe &

don't forget to change mysql admin password and imo also restrict admin user access only to local machine.

NOTE : You can change the location of the db file by including the directory switch in your mysql_install_db command (--basedir=path). You can also choose a different user to run your mysql daemon.

For fresh FreeBSD command you will notice that you need to use the full path to the executables : /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe

Wole Akpose's post was indispensable for a newbie like me installing mysql5 on FreeBSD. I installed on FreeBSD 6.0. Here are a few additional items to note on his post:

1) A minor typo... "mysql_install_db" not "mysql_intsall_db"

2) Per his instructions, I did have to chgrp my /var/db/mysql files (chgrp -R mysql /var/db/mysql)

3) I'm assuming there's something wrong with my setup, since plain old "mysql_safe &" doesn't work for me. Instead I have to use this "cd /var/db/mysql ; /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe &"

4) For reasons unknown to me, mysql doesn't start automatically on reboot. So I placed an sh file in /etc/rc.d that simply contains the mysql_safe call. (FYI, I do have mysql.server file in place)

Sorry about the typos. Thanks for the corrections.

mysqld_safe is the correct command.

Note that you can also either create a script that simply repeat these processes or update your make file to take these actions automatically.

If you have to install for multiple machines, a script is the way to go

While running FC3, I was not able to start the Mysql service until I manually created /var/run/mysqld/ for the PID file.

mkdir /var/run/mysqld
chown -R /var/run/mysqld mysqld
chgrp -R /var/run/mysqld mysqld

mysql binary installation:---

In Fedora core 8 to start mysql service manually we need to create mysqld folder in /var/run and set permission as shown below

# groupadd mysqld
# useradd –g mysqld mysqld
# mkdir /var/run/msqld
# chown –R /var/run/mysqld mysqld
# chmod 770 /var/run/mysqld

I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 with the MySQL 5.1.22 .tar.gz binary distribution. I needed to add --no-defaults to the ./scripts/mysql_install_db for it to work properly.

I am on linux-mint 4.0, which is basically Ubuntu 7. I would like to reiterate that without the --no-defaults option the mysql_install_db will not run correctly.

Note that if you install to a location different than /usr/local (or other standard location) then you must ensure that the libraries form <base_dir>/lib/mysql are found by the dynamic linker.

On my linux I achieved that by appending <base_dir>/lib/mysql to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. I also had to export the variable with


An alternative is to add the mysql library dir to the set of standard library paths using ldconfig.

For PowerPC Mac OS X 10.5 the only download available is in .tar.gz format. The instructions here for this kind on install do not apply to Mac OS X because the groupadd command does not exists on Leopard.

Can anyone post an updated install procedure?

For my installation of version 5.1.32, step 7 requires an additional piece of information. When I ran the installation script to create the db tables, I had to specify my data directory using the --datadir= option. If I didn't, the daemon would fail with the following error:

<i>090327 15:04:12 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.</i>

After I did, I was able to start the daemon and run the upgrade script to create the plugin and host tables.

I am on linux-mint 4.0, which is basically Ubuntu 7. I would like to reiterate that without the --no-defaults option the mysql_install_db will not run correctly.

It really works thank you)

Here there are two commands missing which are:

shell> cp /usr/local/mysql/support-files/my-small.cnf /etc/my.cnf

#comment this would copy the desired config you want to /etc as my.cnf

shell> cp /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/

#comment this would copy the daemon for mysqld to init.d to be initialize it.

to start the mysqld

shell>/etc/init.d/mysql.server start

I installed generic binaries (5.1.42) for ,Mandriva 2010.01 based on these instructions.

Few tips: If you use 'useradd mysql' like in this example - you get an account with which you can log in to KDE and has a '/usr/home/mysql' directory. You would also see it in the login splash. You need to do 'useradd -r mysql' so no home directory and account are created. The same for groupadd. Use the '-r' flag so the group gets a group id lower than 500 to be considered a system group.

No matter what I did I could not run the scripts in the $MYSQL_HOME/scripts or $MYSQL_HOME/bin with any other user than root. No 'chmode' command seemed to help. You have to perform the installation with the root account (e.g. su) plus to use the '--user=root' flag in every installation script.

I used the '/usr/local' dir to place the installation but I have a data partition under '/data' where I wanted all my large files to reside. I used the '--datadir=/data' flag to tell mysql where the db files will reside.

I could not set mysql to start automatically using the instructions here. I did the '/etc/init.d' linking, like it says here - but when I tried to run '/etc/init.d/mysql.server start' I got a permission error.

This was a show-stopper for me so I tried a different approach. I used 'urpmi mysql' to install the mysql package. This got me up and running plus auto-starting mysql in under 2 minutes.

Then, I checked how the installer configured the '/etc/init.d' linking and found out the links are totally different than what it says here. The installer also places the main mysql installation under '/var/lib'.

Then, in the '/etc/my.cfg' file - I changed the 'datadir' property to my own path '/data'. When I ran the '/etc/init.d/mysqld start' command, mysql complained about the /data/mysql' directory not existing, but, it created it, nonetheless, and continued flawlessly. It never complained about anything since. I recommend the 'urpmi mysql' apparoach which saves a lot of time.

BTW: The akonadi server uses a pre-existing mysql database. I had akonadi removed and manually deleted the default db because the 'urpmi' utility complained about a clash with the existing mysql-core package version which seems to be lower than the current mysql package needs. After installing the current mysql package version (5.1.42), I reinstalled akonadi and configured it to use my new mysql db. For this I used the desktop configuration tool advanced options (KDE). I worked fine with KDE without akonadi for a few days anyway. I'm not sure what's the use of akonadi on a single user laptop like mine.

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