i-phone game development



Introduction to the iPhone
The iPhone is one of the most distinctive game platforms currently available. The touch screen, integration with iTunes, programming in Objective-C, low development cost, and ease of publishing all make for a very strange but promising new development opportunity. As the newest kid on the block, the iPhone instantly captured a noticeable portion of the mobile phone market and inspired a wave of copycat devices by makers
such as Motorola, Samsung, and LG.
As a programmer, you might not be impressed with sales figures and market shares,but you should be interested in the viability of the iPhone as a whole. If no one owns an iPhone, no one will buy the games you make for it. The good news is that even in the face of the 2009 economic downturn, iPhones continued to sell.
To get started with the iPhone, you’ll need to get a free Apple developer account. Next you’ll download the iPhone SDK on your Mac, which also contains the Xcode IDE and Interface Builder tool for laying out screens. (Apple doesn’t provide a toolkit for Windows or any other non-Mac platform.) And because the iPhone API requires you to write in Objective-C, you will need to read a primer on the language if you do not
already understand it. This chapter takes you step by step through all of these tasks.
A typical iPhone application bundle might have the following structure:
Executable(Required.) This is the compiled code executable; it will typically have the same name as your application. In MobileSafari.app, this is the file named MobileSafari.
Info.plist (Required.) This is a collection of properties, in key-value pair form, that specifies important information about your application. Notable properties listed here are the display name of your application, the version number, and a unique ID number.
These files use a binary format that can’t be read in a text editor, but you can use the Property List Editor located in /Developer/Applications/Utilities to view them.
icon.png (Required.) This is a 57 × 57 pixel icon used to represent your application on the iPhone’s home screen. Glossy button effects will be added on top of this image automatically, so it should be flat-colored.
Various resources
(Optional.) All common resource files, such as images, sounds, and binary data, used by your application will be placed in the same folder as the executable. The only sub-folders present in an iPhone application bundle are for localized resources.
Localization folders
(Optional.) If your application supports multiple languages, you may add sub-folders to the bundle, which contain resources that cater to individual languages.
The folder names will have a language name or an ISO language abbreviation followed by “.lproj”; for example, English.lproj, French.lproj, German.lproj, and uk.lproj would each contain resources specific to English, French, German, and UK English languages, respectively.
(Optional.) You will create this file if you want your application to provide user preference options in the Settings application that comes with the iPhone.

(Optional.) If you added a Settings.bundle file, this image is used to represent the application in the Settings application. The image should be 29 × 29 pixels. However,if you do not add this image, the Icon.png image will be scaled and used automatically.
(Optional.) Created by the Interface Builder application, MainWindow.nib contains code and resources necessary to draw your application as it starts up.More .nib files can be loaded after this one, but it will always be the first in memory.
(Optional.) This image is displayed as the application is loading the Main-Window.nib file. It should be full screen, which is 480 × 320 pixels on the iPhone.If this image is close to what the user will see when the application is finished loading, the load process will appear to take less time.
(Optional.) If you are distributing the application outside the App Store, this artwork is used to display your application when loading onto a handset using iTunes.
More on this later.
As you will see in the next section, when you’re creating your application, Xcode and Interface Builder will create most of these files for you.

Xcode and Interface Builder
If you are unfamiliar with Xcode, you may be reluctant to learn a new IDE at first.However, the way iPhone development works, you pretty much have to. Fortunately,once you get used to it, you’ll see that Xcode is pretty good at what it does. It has all the features you would expect from an industry-standard IDE: it jumps to the line of compile errors, auto-completes complicated API methods, and has integrated SDK
And it gets better: Xcode supports on-device debugging, a full-featured iPhone Simulator,useful project wizards, refactoring tools, and even direct integration with Subversion revision control repositories.
An Xcode project contains all the code, resources, certificates, and configurations you need to create an iPhone application. To get acquainted with the environment, open your Xcode IDE and follow these steps to create a typical “Hello World” application:
1. Open Xcode.
2. Select File→New Project.
3. In the dialog that opens, select iPhone OS, then View-Based Application and click Choose.
4. Name the project “HelloWorld” and click Save.
5. At this point, you can build and run (click the Build and Go icon in the toolbar).
The HelloWorld application shows only a blank gray screen when run in the Simulator,
as shown in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-1. Selecting View-Based Application
Not very interesting yet, is it? Before we go on to make this a proper “Hello World”
application, here is a quick rundown of the files that were generated when you created
the project:
HelloWorldAppDelegate.m, HelloWorldAppDelegate.h
The class held in these files can be considered the main code entry point of the
application. The app delegate controls the main window and main View Controller,
and is responsible for setting them up for display.
HelloWorldViewController.m, HelloWorldViewController.h

This Interface Builder file results in a .nib file that is placed in your application
bundle when the project is compiled. When loaded, it creates the app delegate,
and loads the main window and View Controller.
This file lays out the design for the HelloWorldViewController’s view.
NIB stands for NeXTSTEP Interface Builder, and XIB stands for Xcode
Interface Builder. NIB files are dense compiled binary files; XIB files are
human-readable XML files. As we mentioned earlier, Xcode compiles
XIB files into NIB files. The XIB format was created specifically to solve
issues with merging NIB files in projects under source control, since you
can diff XML files more easily than binary files.

Now we need to draw the “Hello World” text. We can go about this in several ways:
• Add a Cocoa UILabel by writing code directly in HelloWorldViewController.m.
• Add a Cocoa UILabel in Interface Builder to HelloWorldViewController.xib.
• Define a subclass of UIView, and use a Quartz font rendering in drawRect.
• Create a texture-mapped font in OpenGL ES to render with.
Let’s start with the first method: adding a UILabel by writing code in HelloWorldView-
Controller.m. A stub method named viewDidLoad is already inside HelloWorldView-
Controller.m, which is a good place to add our code. This method will be called
after .nib file loading is done, but before rendering begins:

1. Replace the viewDidLoad function in HelloWorldViewController.m with the following
(this function is commented out by default, so be sure to remove the /* that
precedes it and the */ that follows it):
- (void) viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
//draw "Hello World" using Cocoa UIKit.
//grab the screen dimensions
int w = self.view.frame.size.width;
int h = self.view.frame.size.height;
//create a text label: the size 100,50 here is arbitrary
// but it must be large enough to fit the "Hello World" text.
UILabel* label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 50)];
//put the label at the center of the screen
label.center = CGPointMake(w/2, h/2);
//align the text to the center of the label (default is left)
label.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
//don't draw the label's background (default is white)
label.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
label.text = @"Hello world!";
//add label to our view, so that it can be rendered
[self.view addSubview:label];
//since we alloc'd label in this method we need to release label here
[label release];
2. Build and run the project (if you haven’t quit the Simulator from its previous run,
you’ll be prompted to stop it). The app should now display your text

Now let’s go over the second method, adding a UILabel to HelloWorldViewController.
xib using Interface Builder. You must undo your changes if you followed the preceding
1. Open the HelloWorldViewController.xib file in Interface Builder by double-clicking
it from the list of project files in Xcode.
2. Double-click the View object to begin editing it
3. Find the Label object in the Library panel
4. Drag the label into the View editing window,.
5. Double-click the new label and edit the text to say “Hello World”. You can also edit it from the Attributes Inspector (Tools→Attributes Inspector).
6. In the Label Size Inspector (Tools→Size Inspector), click both of the Placement buttons to center the label horizontally and vertically.
7. Save the .xib file and return to Xcode. Building the application will update the .nib file, which will cause the changes to appear when the application is run, as shown in
8. When the .nib file is loaded, it creates and displays the UILabel. If our code needs access to read or modify the created label, we can link it to an IBOutlet in our code. In HelloWorldViewController.h, replace the stub definition of HelloWorldViewController with the following:
@interface HelloWorldViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UILabel* myLabel;

An IBOutlet is a code tag that enables Interface Builder to recognize possible handles in code that can be linked to.

9. To link the .nib’s label to the outlet, open HelloWorldViewController.xib in Interface Builder and open the Connections Inspector (Tools→Connections Inspector).
Then, click to select the label, drag the label’s New Referencing Outlet to the File’s Owner object, release, and click on the “myLabel” text that shows up in the pop-up menu . Because we set the Referencing Outlet,
the two objects will be linked together when the .nib is loaded. Specifically, controller.nib is loaded in the application, it will know to set the variable myLabel to point at the UILabel we just linked to.
10. Save HelloWorldViewController.xib and quit Interface Builder. Now our code has access to the label through myLabel. This linking process is used frequently in Interface Builder to specify outlets, actions, delegates, and data sources. Any interaction between visible elements of the interface and your code is made via Interface Builder links.

Views and Controllers
The UIView class represents a View object in the iPhone SDK. Views are visible rectangular portions of the screen that handle drawing and animation, event handling, and subview management. If you look at the iPod application that comes with your iPhone, you’ll see that the navigation bar at the top, the tab bar at the bottom, and the content area in the middle are three separate views.
When creating a view-based application in the New Project Wizard, start with a single View Controller and a single View. You may want more Views as your application becomes more complex. For example, you may have one View for your game, another for a Main menu, one for a Settings screen, and another for an online High Score screen.
If your Views share a lot of the same code, it makes sense to add those Views to the same View Controller, along with the shared code. In the preceding example, we may want to put the Main menu and the Settings in the same View Controller, but put the main Game state and High Score screen each in their own View Controller. Nothing is stopping us from putting them all in one View Controller, or using a different View
Controller for each one; it’s purely an organizational consideration.

Adding a new View and View Controller to an existing window
Follow these steps to add a new View and View Controller to an existing window:
1. In Xcode, create a new class that extends UIViewController. We are calling ours Test View Controller.
2. Create a new XIB file by selecting File→New File and choosing View XIB from the User Interfaces section
3. In Interface Builder, select the File’s Owner icon. In the Identity Inspector, set the Class Identity to TestViewController. If the Identity Inspector window is not open,you can access it from Tools→Identity Inspector
4. Set the View’s Referencing Outlet to the File’s Owner view, the same way we did in the Hello World example earlier .
5. Add a TestViewController instance to your code and label it as an IBOutlet. We are putting it in the app delegate class, TestAppDelegate. In TestAppDelegate.h, the new code will look like this:
IBOutlet TestViewController* testViewController;
6. Edit your main window’s XIB file and add a ViewController object by dragging it from the Library window into the MainWindow.xib window. You can find the ViewController object in the Library under Library→Cocoa Touch

7. Edit this object to change the name of the class and the NIB to load to “TestView-Controller”. Do this by selecting the ViewController object in the Main-Window.xib window and editing the class name in the Identity Inspector window. Next, select the Attributes button in the same window to switch it from the Identity
Inspector to the Attributes Inspector. Finally, edit the NIB name in the Attributes Inspector .
8. Link this object’s Referencing Outlet to the IBOutlet in TestAppDelegate that we created earlier: testViewController.
9. Use the following code to add the View object to the Window object before it can be
displayed:[window addSubview:testViewController.view];
10. Once the View object has been added to the Window object, activate it by calling:
[window bringSubviewToFront: testViewController.view];

Adding a new View to an existing View Controller
Follow these steps to add a new View to an existing View Controller:
1. Open the View Controller’s .h file in Xcode and add an IBOutlet UIView pointer for the new View. Ours is named secondView. The code will look like this:
IBOutlet UIView* secondView;
2. In Interface Builder, open the View Controller’s XIB file window and add a UIView object from the Library. You can find UIView under Library→Cocoa Touch
Plugin→Windows, Views & Bars3. Set the UIView’s Referencing Outlet to the IBOutlet you created earlier, secondView.
4. For organizational purposes, you may wish to name the UIView object in the View Controller’s XIB file window.
5. To switch to the new View, somewhere in the View Controller, call this:
self.view = secondView;
Since we are overwriting the View Controller’s view property here, we will want to make sure we have another reference to the old View in case we want to switch back to it.
We typically put each UIView into its own IBOutlet, and additionally assign the initial startup UIView into the view property. You can have more than one Reference Outlet for any UIView, so the initial View will have outlets named initialView and view.

Proxy objects
Objects inside the NIB have access to properties inside the File’s Owner class. To access properties outside the NIB, you need to use Proxy objects. The Proxy has an associated class name and proxy name, but it does not create an instance of the associated class. You have to pass in a Proxy instance yourself when initializing the NIB file:
//Instead of auto-loading the view controller from the main window NIB,load it manually so that we can set up the proxy object.
viewController = [[HelloWorldViewController alloc] init];
//We want viewController to be able to access IBActions in
// HelloWorldViewController and in HelloWorldAppDelegate.
// The File's Owner will be the View Controller,
// and the Proxy named AppDelegate will be the app delegate [self].
NSDictionary* proxies = [NSDictionary
dictionaryWithObject:self forKey:@"AppDelegate"];
//link proxy object name to app delegate instance
NSDictionary* options = [NSDictionary
//set up options with our proxy
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"HelloWorldViewController"
owner:viewController options:options];

Loading Devices
Assuming you have finished the process of signing up for the paid developer program, you are now authorized to load applications such as the “Hello World” example onto an iPhone using Xcode. However, you have to jump through a couple more hoops before you can do this.
Since the iPhone is a secured platform, a lot of bookkeeping is required before you can execute your code on the device. You have to sign builds, Apple has to trust your signature, and the device you are loading has to be provisioned for self-signed applications.
You manage signatures, certificates, and provisioning profiles through the online Program Portal on Apple’s website. Once you are a paid developer, you can find it at http://developer.apple.com/iphone/manage/overview/index.action.
The portal has step-by-step guides for each section—generating Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs), creating a distribution profile, adding a device ID, and so on.

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