India is fast going up the animation-outsourcing ladder. Though a recent entrant in the global animation scene, demand for India’s production services is growing at a fast pace. With global entertainment majors like Walt Disney, Imax, Warner Brothers and Sony signing up huge contracts with Indian animation companies, local animation design studios are gradually establishing their credentials overseas and building their skill sets in this high potential global market.
The boom is not only seen in the animation industry. The growth of the mobile industry has lead to a rise in demand in the gaming industry as well. India being a very competent nation with technology has an edge over others in terms of the time involved in game development. Games developed in India have been successful internationally and therefore, are enhancing India’s image as a country with the technical and infrastructure capabilities to provide gaming-related services that meet international standards
With the growing business in animation and gaming an emerging trend that can be seen in the market currently is that a number of Indian companies adopting a co-production business model from an outsourcing model. Shift to the new business model would prove fruitful for the industry as co-production model would drive motivation of industry players and compel them to perform bigger and better business. Going forward, India is expected to position itself as number one in the animation market riding high on its talent potential and quality work it offers the global market.
----NASSCOM Report
The future is really bright in Animations and Gaming .
Before joining any Institute think twice , does they give training upon the latest technology ? Do they teach Game Development or Mobile Applications ? What Technology they are working on ?Do they know how to create a game , then that's on which platform ? PC ? Mobile? I-Phones ? Social Network ? Which Engile They are using to run a game ? How can they create a game character if they are providing training on game designing , as Maya is not at all used to create gaming characters , then how they can teach game designing ?Did they do any project on games ? What's their track record on games ?
In India , there are lot institute who do give training on Multimedia , not even Animation is their cup of tea , but they do give ads that they do give training on Animations , Before joining any Institute for Animations just check the following :
Does the course contain Classical Animations ? They do give training on 2D Animations on Lightbox ? They do give training on Animation Methods Like :
Clay Animation
Cel-Shaded Animation
CG Animation with Actual Human Anatomy Model ?
Mouth Positions
Lip Synchronization
3D Animation (Including Modeling, Texturing, Rigging, Animations, Lighting, Formations, Dynamics )
Film Formats
The above are a simple basic criteria to be a part of Animation Industry .Animation is used not only in Films , but they are used in Medical, Difence , Police, Media, News, Law, Education , Interactive Sector's , Mobiles .Does the institute provide all the informations ? Do they promote the student's on International event's ? What's the pay package you are getting after doing the course from other institutes ?Student's from other institute's are getting low-end salary as they don't know the technicalities and they are not at all trained-up for Industry related Techniques .
Have look at the online tutorial regarding how to do animations at : , you can have a basic idea on how to create character's and how to do animations .

Regarding Game Development only we virtualinfocom gives training on real game development , we do have track record's for the last 10 years on game design and game development training and we are the first indian company who started Mobile Application Training in India .The most beautiful course and updated technology is with us as we are into the production of games and mobile apps . You can have a look at our news at different media and search engine's .
virtualinfocom (VIC), incorporated as digital design institute since 2000. For last several years we have produced more than 5,780 hardcore skilled designers most of them are working with some of the most renowned animation studios, multimediahouses, e-learning companies, national dailies, game development companies, mobile apps, web design firms etc.
At virtualinfocom VIC, we innovate design study by giving an apt environment i.e. full of daily regular sessions, project works, assignments, environmental study, group discussions, celebrating design events, contest and excursion trips. Unified method of teaching also include, updating students through various workshops, symposiums design shows.
We also have received continuous and beaming inspiration from the solid experience of our directors who are always a driving force to inspire the team of trainers & co-ordinater staff. Currently we have 7 centers based in Kolkata, Jaipur, Alahabad ,UK, Nigeria.
What makes virtualinfocom (VIC) different?
Well, our training module is 100% hands on, industry oriented. That is why, our curriculum has been designed with future requirements of industry in mind and that's not all. We regularly update and revise our module not only to keep abreast of latest changes happening in the industry but also to provide our participants with the latest and up-to-date skill inputs. Our course is a unique fusion of theory and practical industrial requirement, which gives our students an advantage anywhere in the world. So, if you have got the inherent belief in yourself and wish to reach the top in the field of creative animation, game development, Mobile Apps and web design, do rely on us.
How Will a student get Benefit?
You'll build a foundation in design concepts, learn through hands-on projects, get critiques from experienced designers, build portfolio projects to show prospective employers, and add credentials to your resume. And, you'll earn a certificate from probably the only Professional institute in Digital art and visual communication.
Why Study at VIC( virtualinfocom )?
Only VIC gives you a platform to execute your creative visualization. With expert faculty and facilities, VIC nurtures your ideas and portrays them on a commercial canvas. Apart from the application learning we also teach you the complete art of visual communication, and allows you to fly with your aesthetic. That's VIC.
We are going to give a basic idea on the Game Development :
Depending on the Type of Play Games can be defined as :
Action Games
A few of them are:
a) FPS: FPS stands for First Person Shooter. It places you in the boots of the main character of the game.
The FPS genre can be further sub-divided into the following:
1. Stealth: These games are based on the ability to sneak around without being seen by opponents. They are different from traditional FPSes because they place more emphasis on sneaking around rather than on an all-guns-blazing approach.
2. Old School: These feature the run-and-gun type of game play. Action in such games is fast paced, with tons of enemies.
3. Tactical: These games place emphasis on tactics, strategy & teamwork. In many ways, these are the exact opposite of the run-and-gun type of games.
4. Military/War: These are military games, based on the art of war. Examples are- The Medal Of Honour series and Call of Duty. As the player, you are placed in various war missions, which may not enable you to single-handedly save the world, but are nonetheless important in the ultimate outcome of the war.
5. Survival Horror: These is a relatively new sub-genre in FPS gaming. Here, the player is placed in a scary situation. Usually involving ghosts or monsters; the sole objective of the game is survival. Naturally, the basic game play consists of running and gunning, but puzzle-solving elements are also usually built into the game.
b) TPS: TPS stands for Third-Person shooter.
c) Platform: This genre consists of games where the player has to move around on, or jump to and from, a number of platforms.
The strategy genre can be further sub-divided into:
a) Puzzle: Puzzle games involve solving puzzles, which could involve logic, pattern recognition, and strategy.
b) RPG: RPG stands for Role-Playing Game. They generally involve long, intricate plots with an emphasis on character development.
c) Real-time Strategy Games: As the name implies, the action in such games takes place in real-time—that is, the state of the game is constantly changing.
d) Board Games: Board games are simply digitized versions of classic board games.
e) Sims: ‘Sim’ is short for ‘simulator’.
Today, most adventure games are a mix of a number of genres. For examples, Prince Of Persia: the sands of time is a mix of action & adventure elements, with a third person view.
This genre is sub divided into:
a) Flight Simulators: Flight simulators, obviously, try and re-create aircraft and their controls. Microsoft Flight Simulator is an excellent example.
b) Racing Simulators: Racing simulators are based on accurately re-creating racing environments. This category includes not only car races, but virtually any kind of race, take boating, for instance.
c) Combat Simulators: These take the realistic elements of simulators & adapt them into a combat style game.
d) Sports Simulators: The objective here is very simple- to recreate the playing condition of a particular sport in the most realistic way.
MMOG stands for massively multiplayer online game. Online gaming has really taken of at present, with broadband internet becoming a reality for a large number of people.
The most popular MMOG are::
a) MMORPGs: MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) are the most popular types of MMOGs. They follow the client server model, where the gamers running the client’s software is represented in the online world they inhabit via an avatar.
b) MMOFPS: this is a massively multiplayer version of the traditional FPS.
c) MMORTS: The third & probably least popular category of MMOGs is the MMORTS, where RTS stands for Real Time Strategy.
Technology Used to create Games
Manual Drawing and Classical Animations.
Character Build-up
3Ds Max
Flash with Hard Core Action Script
Alice 99
Object C
Open GL
Direct X
JavaScript & RMI
JiniScript etc
The next generation technology is with Social Networking and Mobile Tech and we do give training on how to create game's on social network as well as mobiles and other device's like PS and X-Box .
Before taking any step just think do the other institutes gives training on social games? Do they teach X-Box Programming , Do they teach on how to build a Game Engine ?
Do they give training on OpenGL , Qt, XNA ?
If they claim's that they do train on Social game's just ask them what's the technology behind that , and do they teach on that or not .Will you learn how to develop a First Person Shooting game ? Then which engine you are using ? From a point of view of a student , you don't know the technology , so just cross chk it on the web what's the technology available on game development .Are you really ready for the Social Network games ? Then what could be your career path ?
Which are the companies who does social games ? We know the fact's , for more clarifications you call to our 24 X 7 Support desk on career's regarding games. +91 9830082617
Virtualinfocom provides Industry Oriented course on game development and Mobile Tech as they do have 79+ Tie-ups with different game development companies , they course is up-todate with latest technology and up-standard faculty stuff .The faculty here are from the production unit of virtualinfocom it-self , they do know what's the real life problem in game development as well as how to train a student.
Following are some of the game character's created by us , ask any other institutes , how to create these type of character's for gaming (N.B: These image's are sole property of virtualinfocom , so don't try to copy them), these are made by virtualinfocom student's .
The boom is not only seen in the animation industry. The growth of the mobile industry has lead to a rise in demand in the gaming industry as well. India being a very competent nation with technology has an edge over others in terms of the time involved in game development. Games developed in India have been successful internationally and therefore, are enhancing India’s image as a country with the technical and infrastructure capabilities to provide gaming-related services that meet international standards
With the growing business in animation and gaming an emerging trend that can be seen in the market currently is that a number of Indian companies adopting a co-production business model from an outsourcing model. Shift to the new business model would prove fruitful for the industry as co-production model would drive motivation of industry players and compel them to perform bigger and better business. Going forward, India is expected to position itself as number one in the animation market riding high on its talent potential and quality work it offers the global market.
----NASSCOM Report
The future is really bright in Animations and Gaming .
Before joining any Institute think twice , does they give training upon the latest technology ? Do they teach Game Development or Mobile Applications ? What Technology they are working on ?Do they know how to create a game , then that's on which platform ? PC ? Mobile? I-Phones ? Social Network ? Which Engile They are using to run a game ? How can they create a game character if they are providing training on game designing , as Maya is not at all used to create gaming characters , then how they can teach game designing ?Did they do any project on games ? What's their track record on games ?
In India , there are lot institute who do give training on Multimedia , not even Animation is their cup of tea , but they do give ads that they do give training on Animations , Before joining any Institute for Animations just check the following :
Does the course contain Classical Animations ? They do give training on 2D Animations on Lightbox ? They do give training on Animation Methods Like :
Clay Animation
Cel-Shaded Animation
CG Animation with Actual Human Anatomy Model ?
Mouth Positions
Lip Synchronization
3D Animation (Including Modeling, Texturing, Rigging, Animations, Lighting, Formations, Dynamics )
Film Formats
The above are a simple basic criteria to be a part of Animation Industry .Animation is used not only in Films , but they are used in Medical, Difence , Police, Media, News, Law, Education , Interactive Sector's , Mobiles .Does the institute provide all the informations ? Do they promote the student's on International event's ? What's the pay package you are getting after doing the course from other institutes ?Student's from other institute's are getting low-end salary as they don't know the technicalities and they are not at all trained-up for Industry related Techniques .
Have look at the online tutorial regarding how to do animations at : , you can have a basic idea on how to create character's and how to do animations .

Regarding Game Development only we virtualinfocom gives training on real game development , we do have track record's for the last 10 years on game design and game development training and we are the first indian company who started Mobile Application Training in India .The most beautiful course and updated technology is with us as we are into the production of games and mobile apps . You can have a look at our news at different media and search engine's .
virtualinfocom (VIC), incorporated as digital design institute since 2000. For last several years we have produced more than 5,780 hardcore skilled designers most of them are working with some of the most renowned animation studios, multimediahouses, e-learning companies, national dailies, game development companies, mobile apps, web design firms etc.
At virtualinfocom VIC, we innovate design study by giving an apt environment i.e. full of daily regular sessions, project works, assignments, environmental study, group discussions, celebrating design events, contest and excursion trips. Unified method of teaching also include, updating students through various workshops, symposiums design shows.
We also have received continuous and beaming inspiration from the solid experience of our directors who are always a driving force to inspire the team of trainers & co-ordinater staff. Currently we have 7 centers based in Kolkata, Jaipur, Alahabad ,UK, Nigeria.
What makes virtualinfocom (VIC) different?
Well, our training module is 100% hands on, industry oriented. That is why, our curriculum has been designed with future requirements of industry in mind and that's not all. We regularly update and revise our module not only to keep abreast of latest changes happening in the industry but also to provide our participants with the latest and up-to-date skill inputs. Our course is a unique fusion of theory and practical industrial requirement, which gives our students an advantage anywhere in the world. So, if you have got the inherent belief in yourself and wish to reach the top in the field of creative animation, game development, Mobile Apps and web design, do rely on us.
How Will a student get Benefit?
You'll build a foundation in design concepts, learn through hands-on projects, get critiques from experienced designers, build portfolio projects to show prospective employers, and add credentials to your resume. And, you'll earn a certificate from probably the only Professional institute in Digital art and visual communication.
Why Study at VIC( virtualinfocom )?
Only VIC gives you a platform to execute your creative visualization. With expert faculty and facilities, VIC nurtures your ideas and portrays them on a commercial canvas. Apart from the application learning we also teach you the complete art of visual communication, and allows you to fly with your aesthetic. That's VIC.
We are going to give a basic idea on the Game Development :
Depending on the Type of Play Games can be defined as :
Action Games
A few of them are:
a) FPS: FPS stands for First Person Shooter. It places you in the boots of the main character of the game.
The FPS genre can be further sub-divided into the following:
1. Stealth: These games are based on the ability to sneak around without being seen by opponents. They are different from traditional FPSes because they place more emphasis on sneaking around rather than on an all-guns-blazing approach.
2. Old School: These feature the run-and-gun type of game play. Action in such games is fast paced, with tons of enemies.
3. Tactical: These games place emphasis on tactics, strategy & teamwork. In many ways, these are the exact opposite of the run-and-gun type of games.
4. Military/War: These are military games, based on the art of war. Examples are- The Medal Of Honour series and Call of Duty. As the player, you are placed in various war missions, which may not enable you to single-handedly save the world, but are nonetheless important in the ultimate outcome of the war.
5. Survival Horror: These is a relatively new sub-genre in FPS gaming. Here, the player is placed in a scary situation. Usually involving ghosts or monsters; the sole objective of the game is survival. Naturally, the basic game play consists of running and gunning, but puzzle-solving elements are also usually built into the game.
b) TPS: TPS stands for Third-Person shooter.
c) Platform: This genre consists of games where the player has to move around on, or jump to and from, a number of platforms.
The strategy genre can be further sub-divided into:
a) Puzzle: Puzzle games involve solving puzzles, which could involve logic, pattern recognition, and strategy.
b) RPG: RPG stands for Role-Playing Game. They generally involve long, intricate plots with an emphasis on character development.
c) Real-time Strategy Games: As the name implies, the action in such games takes place in real-time—that is, the state of the game is constantly changing.
d) Board Games: Board games are simply digitized versions of classic board games.
e) Sims: ‘Sim’ is short for ‘simulator’.
Today, most adventure games are a mix of a number of genres. For examples, Prince Of Persia: the sands of time is a mix of action & adventure elements, with a third person view.
This genre is sub divided into:
a) Flight Simulators: Flight simulators, obviously, try and re-create aircraft and their controls. Microsoft Flight Simulator is an excellent example.
b) Racing Simulators: Racing simulators are based on accurately re-creating racing environments. This category includes not only car races, but virtually any kind of race, take boating, for instance.
c) Combat Simulators: These take the realistic elements of simulators & adapt them into a combat style game.
d) Sports Simulators: The objective here is very simple- to recreate the playing condition of a particular sport in the most realistic way.
MMOG stands for massively multiplayer online game. Online gaming has really taken of at present, with broadband internet becoming a reality for a large number of people.
The most popular MMOG are::
a) MMORPGs: MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) are the most popular types of MMOGs. They follow the client server model, where the gamers running the client’s software is represented in the online world they inhabit via an avatar.
b) MMOFPS: this is a massively multiplayer version of the traditional FPS.
c) MMORTS: The third & probably least popular category of MMOGs is the MMORTS, where RTS stands for Real Time Strategy.
Technology Used to create Games
Manual Drawing and Classical Animations.
Character Build-up
3Ds Max
Flash with Hard Core Action Script
Alice 99
Object C
Open GL
Direct X
JavaScript & RMI
JiniScript etc
The next generation technology is with Social Networking and Mobile Tech and we do give training on how to create game's on social network as well as mobiles and other device's like PS and X-Box .
Before taking any step just think do the other institutes gives training on social games? Do they teach X-Box Programming , Do they teach on how to build a Game Engine ?
Do they give training on OpenGL , Qt, XNA ?
If they claim's that they do train on Social game's just ask them what's the technology behind that , and do they teach on that or not .Will you learn how to develop a First Person Shooting game ? Then which engine you are using ? From a point of view of a student , you don't know the technology , so just cross chk it on the web what's the technology available on game development .Are you really ready for the Social Network games ? Then what could be your career path ?
Which are the companies who does social games ? We know the fact's , for more clarifications you call to our 24 X 7 Support desk on career's regarding games. +91 9830082617
Virtualinfocom provides Industry Oriented course on game development and Mobile Tech as they do have 79+ Tie-ups with different game development companies , they course is up-todate with latest technology and up-standard faculty stuff .The faculty here are from the production unit of virtualinfocom it-self , they do know what's the real life problem in game development as well as how to train a student.
Following are some of the game character's created by us , ask any other institutes , how to create these type of character's for gaming (N.B: These image's are sole property of virtualinfocom , so don't try to copy them), these are made by virtualinfocom student's .

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